Cine no Ar 005 – Grease: Nos Tempos da Brilhantina

Grease – Nos tempos da brilhantinaÉ impossível não se envolver ao ouvir as músicas que acompanham os encontros e desencontros do casal Danny e Sandy. Grease retrata, dizem que fielmente, os tempos de colégio na década de 50. A trama serve como pano de fundo para retratar o comportamento dos jovens da época. Sou da década de 80, mas este filme me mostra que antes o mundo era melhor que os dias atuais no quesito de diversão e as roupas são maravilhosas. Assim como Dirty Dancing, foi um dos melhores filmes que já assisti e que também tentei cantar as músicas e dançar. Adiquiri o CD com a trilha completa há pouco tempo mas tentava “arranhar” as músicas antes mesmo, meus familiares não me agüentam com as trilhas dos filmes que cantarolo todos os dias.Summer Nights[Danny]
Summer loving had me a blast [Sandy]
Summer loving happened so fast [Danny]
I met a girl crazy for me [Sandy]
Met a boy cute as can be [Both]
Summer days drifting away, to oh oh the summer nights [Guys]
Well-a well-a well-a huh
Tell me more, tell me more
Did you get very far? [Gals]
Tell me more, tell me more
Like does he have a car? [Danny]
She swam by me, she got a cramp [Sandy]
He ran by me, got my suit damp [Danny]
I saved her life, she nearly drowned [Sandy]
He showed off, splashing around [Both]
Summer sun, something’s begun, but oh oh the summer nights [Gals] Tell me more, tell me more
Was it love at first sight? [Guys]
Tell me more, tell me more
Did she put a fight? [Danny]
Took her bowling in the arcade [Sandy]
We went strolling, drank lemonade [Danny]
We made out under the dock [Sandy]
We stayed out ‘till ten o’clock [Both]
Summer fling, don’t mean a thing, but oh oh the summer nights [Guys] Tell me more, tell me more
But you don’t have to bragg [Gals]
Tell me more, tell me more
Cause he sounds like a drag [Sandy]
He got friendly, holding my hand [Danny]
She got friendly down in the sand [Sandy]
He was sweet just turned eighteen [Danny]
Well she was good you know what I mean [Both]
Summer heat, boy and girl meet, but oh oh the summer nights [Gals]
Tell me more, tell me more
How much dough did he spend? [Guys]
Tell me more, tell me more
Could she get me a friend? [Sandy]
It turned colder – that’s where it ends [Danny]
So I told her we’d still be friends [Sandy]
Then we made our true love vow [Danny]
Wonder what she’s doing now [Both]
Summer dreams ripped at the seams, but oh those summer nights [All]
Tell me more, tell me more]]>

Podcast:Cine no Ar

Produção e Locução: Naiara Barbosa
Gravação e Edição: Michelle Franco e Naiara Barbosa